Often my instinctive reaction to solving a problem is to go on Google and just write the search term. This is not as helpful as it could be since the algorithm will often use sponsored content or there will be other search voodoo involved that means that you don’t quite find what you want.

I already know sources that I find reliably useful. IIn no particular order here are some of those people/websites.


Tim Urban


bbc good food (for recipes)

Oliver Burkeman

Austin Kleon

Tim Clare

Robert Twigger


I know from this list, I will find something that is relatively honest and/or has stuff that has been useful to me in the past and I will actually act on.

You can bypass what google want you to see by simply writing “site:” before the website and then your search term. To pick a pretty everyday example – I know that the bbc good food website will not have recipes that are too faffy and will reliably work so it will save me time. If I want some historical context (e.g. on the war in Gaza) I will go to wikipedia.

Actually a decent project is to hyperlink all of the above as site:nameofwebsite.com and you would have an easy list of filters that you could click on to find relevant information. Once clicked on you could add your own individual search term

Anyway that’s something, you could do. A little faff at the front end but it will save you time and energy over the long haul.

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