Great Adam Curtis Documentaries on YouTube

If you want a terrifying fascinating and hypnotic look at the world we live in as well as past history, you could do a lot worse than watch these documentaries. In no particular order I have hyperlinked some of my favourite Adam Curtis films

  • Century of the self (Looks at the wide ranging effects of the ideas of Sigmund Freud in the 20th Century).
  • Hyper-normalisation (documents the changes in society including how the left became disillusioned and retreated from politics into art).
  • Can’t get you out of my head (Explores how powerful ideas captured the imagination of people in different eras)
  • All watched over by machines of loving grace (How the growing power of technocrats as well as how the metaphor of a computer system began to dominate how the world operates).
  • The Mayfair Set – Looks at the powerful figures who attended the gambling club The Claremont.
  • Trauma Zone (Using vintage footage and no voiceover – the documentary details the end of the Soviet Union and the wild period of adjustment in Eastern Europe in the 1990s)

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