There is a TV programme that I have a vivid memory of in the 1980’s – Bertha. Each episode would illustrate, in some kind of comedic way, the problems that come about in the manufacturing industry. Bertha is a sentient machine who, when programmed and given the right materials, can make almost anything. You can watch the glorious opening credits here.

I’m not sure how accurate my memory of individual episodes are but you would often have a situation as follows. Bertha would be tasked with making, for example, a biscuit sandwich. The production would go like this: put a wafer on the production line, squirt some cream, squirt some jam, add another biscuit and voila done. At first the machine would reliably crank out biscuits at a decent rate. Then suddenly something would happen – the machine would go out of sync, create a mess and pretty soon this would get into the workings of Bertha and she would be out of commission.

I feel sometimes that in the cut and thrust of life you are a bit like Bertha – something has gone wrong – you need to switch off, do some repairs before you can get working again. Maybe you need to decide you should make a different product. Maybe you shouldn’t run the engine so much. Maybe you need to rethink the process. All of these things require some kind of pause – some thinking before you should flip the switch and get going again.

I do not work Fridays and it is the last day of school for my kids before half term – this means that I have a day to sit and rethink the way forward – to make sure, before I leap into action, that I am doing things sensibly.

Anyway – this is my challenge. Wish me luck!

Have a good day everyone!


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